SPEC CLUTCH KITS 996 '99 thru '01 3.4LDUAL MASS FLYWHEEL / ALUMINUM FLYWHEEL The car has a dual mass flywheel from the factory. If you're still using it, then select the standard stage kits. If you're using a light weight aluminum flywheel, then select the "for/ALUM FLY" kit. The ALUM FLY kits have a slight change in the Pressure Plate pivots that puts the pedal travel back where it needs to be, and it comes with a different T/O bearing that is a different length to accommodate the thinner flywheel. If you're still using the factory dual mass flywheel, then you can only use a solid hub (center) clutch disc. If you're using an aluminum flywheel such as the SPEC or Fidenza, then you have the option of using a sprung center hub disc or the solid hub disc. Sprung center hub disc with an aluminum pressure plate will give you smoother engagement. A solid hub disc with an aluminum pressure plate will be a harsher engagement.